D Murphy Ryan – Romance Author

D Murphy Ryan – Romance Author

Love despite the scars

Romance Writers of America® 2018 Golden Heart® Award Finalist ~
Out of the Shadows

Contemporary Romance Writers 2018 Stiletto® Contest Finalist ~The Kiss 


Contemporary Romance Writers 2019 Stiletto® Contest finalist ~Bastard 

Thrilling Sultry Romance

I live to explore relationships. The good. The bad. The ugly. I love digging into what makes people tick and getting my hands dirty. I love placing characters in impossible situations and watching what happens. My stories often deal with difficult and challenging subjects, but within the framework of Romance with a capital R. Not a single human can survive life without some kind of wound, and those wounds impact the way we interact with each other, how we love each other. My stories may not always be comfortable – life certainly isn’t. But my characters always, always, get their happily ever after.

Love Despite Our Scars